Thursday 11 November 2010

RESEARCH: Preliminary Task

This is my front cover for my school magazine aimed at sixth formers.
I decided to use a short title to keep it simple and edgy, making it more appealing to teenagers. I placed it on the top left as I thought a short title may look awkward it if were in the centre. It is in upper case and in large and bold font to make it stand out.
The subtitles are on the left and right sides of the page. This is so that it does not block the model I have used. Most of the subtitles are in upper case however some are not. I used different fonts for each subtitle to make it look more interesting and appealing to sixth formers.
The main colours used in this were black and white and I edited the image used to give it a more amateur type.  
I used my sister to model for the magazine. Getting her ready and the photo shoot took on average an hour each. Difficulties i had were finding the right pose which would best suit the magazine. WE used props such as books to give the image more of a school related feel.

This is my contents page for my school magazine
 The title is in the same font i used on the magazine cover. Again, it is on the top left. I did this so that the cover and contents page are very similar. This is also the reason for why I used the same colours.
The text and page numbers are all in he same font, however the numbers used for each page are in different sizes. This is because it makes the contents page look more interesting.
The images are related to things which would be included in the magazine content and make the page look more attractive as it is not only text.

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