Thursday 11 November 2010

RESEARCH: Questionnaire Analysis

This is an example of the questionnaire I made:

1)       What gender are you?
Male        Female
2)       How old are you?
5-10         11-15       16-21       22-over

3)       On average, how many magazines do you usually buy in a month?
0-1           2-3           4-5           5-over

4)       How often do you buy music magazines per month?
0              1-2           2-3           4-5           6-more

5)       Why is it that you buy music magazines this often?

6)       Which genre of magazines are you mostly interested in?
Fashion                   Celebrity News                       Lifestyle  Cars                         Music                      Film
Hobby                      Other

7)       What is it that attracts you to this magazine genre?

8)       What articles in magazines do you find most interesting?
Interviews               Reviews  Editorial  Quiz         News Things to buy

9)       Which two colours most appeal to you?
Red          White      Black       Yellow     Blue         Green      Pink         Brown     Grey        Purple      Orange

10)    Where on the front cover do you think the title of the magazine looks best?
Top centre               Top left                   Top Right                Bottom Centre        Bottom Left            Bottom Right
Centre                     Centre right             Centre left

11)    Do you think subheadings are attractive/necessary or unattractive/unnecessary?
Attractive/Necessary                              Unattractive/Unnecessary

12)    What on the front cover, attracts you most to buy the magazine?
Celebrities               Subtitles  Colours                    Layout None

13)    Out of the 5 magazine covers I have printed off, which do you find most appealing?
Q             Rolling Stone          Blender                   Vibe         Country Music

14)    Why do you find this most appealing?

15)    How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
£0-£0.50                  £0.51-£1.00             £1.01-£1.50             £1.51-£2.00             £2.01-£2.50             £2.51-£3.00
£3.01-£3.50             £3.51-£4.00             £4.01-£4.50             £4.51-£5.00             £5.01-£5.50             £5.51-more

The questionnaire allowed me to understand what it is that my target audience are most attracted to when it comes to magazines.
I asked a selection of boys and girls who were mainly aged 16-21. This is because this age group is the target audience for my magazine.
Most of the people I asked buy magazines two to three times a month and only bought music magazines 0-1 times a month. When I asked why, most said it was because they did not find them very interesting. This was probably the main reason most people did not pick music as their favourite genre of magazine to buy, and picked genres such as celebrity news, fashion, and hobby.
The question asking which two colours they found most attractive received many different answers. This is because there were a lot of colours to choose from; however black was one colouring that many had put that they liked the best. For this reason, it is very likely that black will be a main colour used in my music magazine.
Many also answered that they thought that the title looked best in the top centre of the cover, and that subtitles were necessary and made magazines look more attractive. Therefore, i will be including both of these on my music magazine.
The majority of people who did the questionnaire said that they believed it was the celebrity on the front cover which mostly attracted them to a magazine. This means that i must use a model who sixth formers can relate to.

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