Sunday 12 December 2010

PLANNING: Colour Scheme

< Although they are all neutral, I feel these colours would mostly appeal to females as they are gentle colours. These colours are also discrete and do not stand out. This could be a problem as it may stop being from buying the magazine. However, the colour are soft and look less tacky then brighter colours. This could attract customers as the magazine cover will not look as if it has been done up too much.

> These colours are very bright and stand out. This is an advantage because it will attract people to buy it. However, they may be a bit too colourful and make the cover look tacky.

< These colours stand out but are not too colourful. I used black because it was the most favourite colour on my questionnaire. However, these colours may attract mostly boys because they are bold.

> I like these colours as I think they are classy and simple. However, they would most probably only appeal to males and the grey could be see as bland and boring.

Out of all these colours, I have decided to use the soft pastel colours. This is because it stands out without looking too tacky, and could appeal to a range of ages and both male and females.

The colours I have chosen will only be used for my front cover and contents page. This is because the two pages must look similar as this is the style in which most magazines, such as mixmag and DJ, present theirs. I also feel it would look tacky if they were to be different colours. The colours for the double page spread will depend on the colours that my model is wearing and the background.

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