Sunday 12 December 2010

PLANNING: Names and Fonts

I’ve decided that the music magazine I will be making will centre on mainstream music, and will have a variety of genres included in it. Therefore, I believe the name and overall look of the magazine must appeal to a widest range of people as possible because of the different types of music in it. However, I feel that most people who are interested in mainstream music are usually teenagers and young adults. Due to this, I am going to give the magazine a standard and simple look, but still make it edgy to attract young customers.

These are a few names which I thought the magazine could be called:

This name has relevance to music as it could refer to strings on instruments but also has a connection to mainstream music as there are different ‘strings’ of music. I believe that this name would mostly be associated with guitars. This could give the audience a wrong impression of the magazine, as they could end up thinking that it was about acoustic music rather than mainstream.

This title if very straightforward and would immediately tell the customer what the magazine is about.

MM stands for ‘Music Magazine’. I liked this idea as it is also very straightforward and only consists of two letters. This makes the name edgy and more appealing to a younger audience. However, a very short title will not be able to be placed at the top centre of the magazine, which I feel is where I want it to be.

I feel that trash is not as classy as some of the other names however; it is appealing to young people as it is an edgy name.

After going through each name and thinking about what it may look like on the front cover and who it would most appeal to, I feel that ‘Trash’ would be the best to use. This is because it is edgy and will intrigue young customers. It also does not have many letters which will make the front cover look simpler.
This font looks rough and has an edgy look to it. I like this font as it is unique however it could give the impression that the magazine is not on mainstream music but on heavier music such as rock. Also, I want my magazine to have a clean and simple look, so this would not be suitable.

This font is similar to the first font but it has more of a gentle look to it. It looks unique and could appeal to a wide range of people. I also like the way the letters overlap.

This font very simple and has a classy look to it. I like the narrow letters and the spacing between each letter. It could appeal to different customers and would be suitable for the cover of my magazine.

This is very much like the font before but is bolder. This will make the name stand out to the customers. I really like this font because of the simplicity of it.

 My most favourite font out of all four is the third because it is simple and would appeal to different sexes and ages. It is easy to read and does not look tacky unlike some of the others. Therefore, I shall be using that font on the magazine cover.

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