Tuesday 1 February 2011


This is my final front cover of my music magazine.
The composition of my model is in the centre of the page with the subtitles and name of the magazine surrounding her. I did this because I feel that the model and colour scheme on the front of the cover is usually the first thing that catches a person’s eye when they are shopping. Therefore, I matched the model and her clothing to the colour scheme and setting I used. As you can see, my model is wearing a big white shirt which looks like a pyjama top. This gives off a relaxed look and fits in with her kneeling on the bed and the colour of the bed sheets and walls.
When editing this image of my sister, I mainly edited her face clothes however I also edited the walls and sheets she was on. Using the spray paint and blurring effect, I highlighted the lilac walls to make the image look heavenly and brighter. Then I cropped the sheets and brightened the lighting to give the effect that it is brighter as well.
The name of the magazine has been placed on top of my model. Although most magazines usually have the name behind them, I feel that due to the fact that my magazine would be new and unknown, it would be best for the name to be big and clear. I picked a simple font as it makes the page look classy and the orange goes well with the other colours used. The website for ‘Trash’ is underneath the heading so people can easily find it if they need to.
The magazine is £3.50. The prices of many music magazines were around this price such as ‘The rolling stone’ but if I were to do this project again, I would make it cheaper. This is because it is a new magazine and many customers may not buy it because it is not only unknown, but expensive.
I have used a range of fonts with the subheadings to make the cover look more interesting and filled with information. I feel that the different colours and sizes would attract customers because it looks attractive.
I found that on many magazines, banners were placed on the bottom or top of the page. Therefore, I placed one at the bottom of the page. This was to make my magazine seem more professional and it is also more room for another subheading. I used famous musicians to attract the customers in to buying the magazine.

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