Tuesday 18 January 2011

PLANNING: Contents Layouts

The title is at the top of the page as that is where the other magazines contents page title was placed. The issue is above this as it lets the reader know which issue it is easily.

The large image on the left and the images at the bottom right are in a very similar layout to the 'mix mag' magazine which I deconstructed. I think this is appealing to my target audience as it lets them know what is in the magazine without them having to read.
Some of the page numbers have been enlarged. This is decorative and is also similar to the 'mix mag' page numbers. 

An editor’s article is included for the editor’s comments.

This layout looks very much like a newspaper layout as everything is in columns. I think this may put some readers off as they may feel like it looks too much like a newspaper and could get the wrong impression about what the magazine is about.

The title is at the top centre as it is standard and the same as the magazine contents pages I deconstructed.

The title is vertical which makes it look unique. The website and issue is at the top which makes it noticeable to readers and easy to find.
The images and page details are down the right side of the page. Everything is spaced out so it is easy to read and understand.

Out of all three layouts I like the first layout the best. This is because the images and page numbers are large and therefore is edgy and will be more attractive and to its target audience.

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